Meet the March 2017 Students of the Month
On-Campus Student: Dustin Stanley
Dustin is a sophomore, Organizational Leadership major from Bennington. On-campus, Dustin is involved with Christian Challenge as part of the leadership team. There he leads life group Bible studies and helps run events and Tuesday night messages. Dustin is also involved with intramurals on-campus because, "who doesn't like a little competition?" Dustin also likes to ride bikes, play a variety of sports, have friends over, and work with students at a local Elementary School. Dustin chose to get involved with the department because Leadership is an area he has always appreciated. He says "this major applies to my life right now and the ideas are not farfetched, rather they are tangible and applicable." So far, his favorite class has been LDRS 460, Global Leadership, because it has increased his perspective and awareness while helping him grow. Dustin plans to travel overseas this summer and this class has humbled him. Dustin says this class has been great preparation for his summer plans.
Virtual Student: Cathy Roads
Congratulations, Cathy!
International Student: Liu Keyi (Cathy)
Cathy is a senior from Shenyang, Liao Ning China double majoring in Organizational Leadership and International Finance. Outside of school, she likes to play Ping-Pong and the piano. Cathy got involved with the department because students can build different ways to think about the world, it prepares students to be better employees and develop leadership abilities. The leadership abilities the program develops are abilities American universities require of foreign students applying for graduate school. Cathy plans to pursue a higher degree and appreciates that she has already practiced these abilities and will be a competitive applicant. Her favorite leadership class has been LDRS 310, Fieldwork in Leadership Studies. Her team worked with the Liaoyang Welfare House throughout the semester to do a fundraising event to buy books for the children at this orphanage. Cathy recognizes not many people are involved in their communities and this course gave her the ability to do that. She loved the class because it gave her the opportunity to be a part of her community and gain valuable leadership experience.
Meet other Students of the Month